Kooptip | Vlaanderen

› Lady Gaga heeft nieuw album The Fame Monster

Het nieuwste album van Lady Gaga telt 8 nieuwe tracks waaronder de hit 'Bad Romance'.

Lady Gaga: “In the midst of my creative journey composing The Fame Monster, there came an exciting revelation that this was in fact my sophomore album. I would not add, nor take away any songs from this EP, it is a complete conceptual and musical body of work that can stand on its own two feet."

"We may have an economy, but MUSIC HAS NO ECONOMY. I will release four or more singles from The Fame Monster, tour the world with The Monster Ball Tour, and most importantly I insist on honoring my fans with an affordable new album, an album that is as loyal to them, as they have been to me."

Bekijk de videoclip van “Bad Romance”:

"The Fame Monster" op iTunes.

› Gepubliceerd vrijdag 27 november 2009 om 11:59 uur door Robrecht Van Goolen

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