Muziek | Internationaal

› Nieuwe single Pitbull heet Fireball feat. John Ryan

De internationale superster Pitbull brengt dit najaar zijn 8ste studio album “Globalization” uit Zijn eerste single en voorloper van de plaat is het nummer “Fireball feat. John Ryan”.


“Pitbull is coming for your dignity — yet again — with another extremely catchy single that you’ll blast on high volume! “Fireball” is actually something of a change of pace for Mr. Worldwide after a pair of female-voiced, acoustic-flavored club-bangers (“Timber” and “Wild Wild Love”).

Singer/songwriter John Ryan takes over vocal duties this time around and the party jam has a distinct world music twist. As with most Pit anthems, “Fireball” boasts a killer chorus, a plethora of catchy hooks and lyrics about partying with sexy ladies.

› Gepubliceerd dinsdag 29 juli 2014 om 12:31 uur door Robrecht Van Goolen

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